If you think technology isn't generous, you have not tried using i-NITIATE®. A trademarked software exclusive for financial advisors and clients of Infinity Wealth Management Group (a group from PIAS) from Singapore.
i-NITIATE®’s proprietary web and Client App offer a simplified view of a client's financial portfolio. Advisers using the software are never left doing their own thing. In fact, it’s a software-hardware rolled into one.
A ready-to-use tool is incorporated in it. So it will be easy for clients and FAs to seal a smooth transaction.
Do not miss this. Here is its USP.
Infinity i-NITIATE® is a financial software built by practitioners for practitioners. Most software out there are created by IT professionals who do not necessarily know the business.
Unlike buying a gadget where you have to install Microsoft tools, i-NITIATE® is an overall provider. Infinity consultants are able to leverage on the timely scripts and content to value-add their clients with just a few simple clicks.
As a result, curated content is sent to all clients in a personalised way, creating that wow factor that puts the consultant at the top of the client’s mind.
Here are proofs that i-NITIATE®? is one of its kind:
1.Hassle-free messaging
Sending a bulk of messages for multiple clients is not tedious at all with i-NITIATE®. Financial consultants may send sales scripts to multiple clients in a matter of seconds. The incredible part? Messages are sent to a bulk of clients in a customised approach.
Imagine doing it manually, for sure, it would take you forever to do so. But with i-NITIATE®, a single click reaches a double or even a triple number of clients. Click rates are also traced through email trackers.
Here, financial advisers can view clients with active interaction of the sent messages. If inactivity persists, FAs can send a reminder message to identified clients.
Important dates such as birthdays are included in the automation process. Advisers can send personalised messages to make clients feel they’re valued by the company.
2.Clients are consistently informed of their finances
Clients are coming from workstations with belt-tight schedules. Often, they unconsciously skip out-of-the-job matters because of their workloads. It would be a relief if they can use a tool to keep them informed on matters like finances.
When clients are onboard on i-NITIATE®, they’ll receive prompt reminders via customized SMS or an email before the renewal of policies. This allows them to make provisions for deduction and to help them plan finances for the future.
No client would want to see their financial goals getting ruined by unintentional lapses. So, for them, it’s extremely important to get in touch with their financial plans from time to time.
3.Interactive Financial Planning Charts
This feature provides clients a comprehensive view of financial plans. It allows them to visualize the direction of their financial decisions, through the assistance of the financial advisor. It also facilitates a non-face-to-face interaction meeting between clients and advisers.
Communication for both parties can take place anytime and anywhere. It’s like they can bring along each other with them wherever they go.
4.Viewing adviser's recommendation the smart way
Through i-NITIATE®, clients are provided with a better view of financial adviser’s recommendations. It also gives them (clients) definite explanations why the presented solutions are a good fit to the client's financial goals.
Thus, the Client App knows exactly what the clients need.
5.Simplified financial planning mechanics
i-NITIATE® is a one-stop client app that covers all the needs of both clients and advisers. For clients, they can just easily view their entire financial portfolio which deletes the necessity of downloading multiple apps.
For advisers, the software keeps them on track on client’s financial directions. It allows them to arrest the possible lapses of their clients in just a click of a finger.
Click here to preview what the Client App can offer their clients

Infinity i-NITIATE® aims to create a hassle-free working space for clients and advisers. Good thing is, IWM is grounded on the essence of physical interaction. It is highly aware that software is limited by the inability to understand human emotions.
This is why Infinity’s i-NITIATE® centres on doing a blend of client- adviser relationships with 24/7 seamless financial consultation experience. It utilises an IT tool that includes human touch in the formula.
Infinity i-NITIATE® is an exclusive software plus app and even if you have the means to buy it, it won’t be available for public consumption, unless you decide to be part of Infinity’s growing circle.
If you want to know more of what Infinity has to offer, you are welcome to have a glimpse of our training through Open House (happening every Monday morning). Have a chat with us and we love to explore options together with you.
Reach out to Infinity Wealth Management and book your Open House today. Tel: 6730 9813 or Email: contact@iwm.com.sg
This article is a paid column by Infinity Wealth Management and was authored entirely by one of their spokespersons.