That's right, the newest addition to the Asia Advisers Network (AAN) team is not so new anymore!

It has been slightly over a month since I joined Ben at AAN.
And, honestly, I’m struggling… in the good, healthy way. The kind of struggle that everyone should be putting themselves in, in order to push the boundaries and limitations that your subconscious sets.
I have never been a writer, but now I write. I have never taken formal lessons for videography or video editing, but now I am learning and doing it. I have never interviewed anyone, but I’m sure I will in the future.
That’s just how things are run at the AAN. That’s having Ben as your boss. He lets me experiment. He lets me do things I’ve never done, and he transfers whatever knowledge to build me up. Some bosses are afraid you’d outshine them. Here, they polish off your rust and help you to shine.

We also have other wonderful people at Asia Insurance Review (AIR) who contribute to our rapid pace of growth at AAN. They help in any way they can, and whenever we require assistance.
Take Azri, our Digital Content Producer/Videographer/Video Editor – or our “Video guy”.

He’s present at all our conferences and events. He churns out all AIR and AAN’s video content. And although his cup says “DO NOT DISTURB!!”, he is one of the most approachable and always willing to teach and answer any questions I have on video editing.
Check out some of his works here:
MDRT Day Singapore 2018 Highlights
What Is Your Motivation
If you don’t build your authority, you will be a commodity?
So, what have I done?
After soaking in the insurance environment for one month, I managed to attend a few events and conferences. Spoke to a few who were nice to a “padawan” like me and even shared their experience and thoughts on certain matters trending in the industry.
Some of my very first pieces of content after attending my first MDRT event:
The electric atmosphere of MDRT Day Singapore
"Life is Full of Surprises" - Annie Leung
7 ideas to take you to the top - MDRT President James Pittman
I’ve gotten better since then (I hope) and I will continue to get better.
How are we helping you then?
Coming from a non- insurance background, I often hear and see negative news about the industry floating around the internet. But, like all industries, there will always be black sheep, while the rest work hard at repairing and maintaining the reputation.
It took me a while, but I started to understand why Asia Advisers Network is important. It’s the perfect platform to highlight the good in insurance, its agents and advisers. Not only do we publish the good and positive news that’s happening around the world in the insurance industry, we also publish the latest news and products in the market to keep the advisers and agents abreast of what’s happening, and sharing from top agents and agency leaders on their success principles.
For example, take a look at the following articles below:
What's New in the Market
Help your clients become the worst parents in the world
5 proven strategies to build your team of 100% MDRT agents - Wave Chow?
At AAN, we understand agents and advisers need concise, yet accurate information about the products in the market in order to recommend the correct products to their clients. So, most times we take the liberty of summarising lengthy press releases, giving it to you straight with facts and findings. We suss out the key pointers that are complex and simplify it the best we can to help our readers digest information faster and easier.
We are not perfect.
But, our strength is that we’re always growing and open to new options to serve you better.

Signing off, and wishing everyone a great start to your final quarter.
-Sharon Zhong