Getting MDRT into you - MDRT Singapore

| 18 Nov 2019

Photo by: MDRT MCC Singapore

"Your production gets you to MDRT, but it is the volunteering that will get MDRT into you." That's what Laura Hoi, MDRT MCC Zone Chair recalled about meeting a MDRT Past-President at an Annual Meeting.

During her early years as an MDRT member, Laura admitted that she did not quite understand why some of the MDRT volunteers she met were so enthusiastic and almost ‘fanatic’ about volunteering at the association. It was only until she started volunteering with the MDRT Membership Communications Committee (MCC) Singapore in 2011 that she finally understood.

In an exclusive interview with MDRT MCC, we spoke with Delia Wong, MDRT MCC Singapore Country Chair, Lilian Ng, MDRT Singapore Head of Members Engagement, and Laura in uncovering some misperceptions of MDRT.


Are appointment holders in MDRT MCC paid? Is it only about production and events to improve production?

“MDRT MCC Singapore is made up of 14 committed financial practitioners, mainly MDRT members, all from various companies and varying backgrounds. We all come together voluntarily for the common purpose to serve and give back to the industry. We are the communication link between MDRT leadership and membership at large,” said Delia.

She added, “Some of our past events include charity events, first-time MDRT qualifier events, MDRT Day Singapore 2018 & 2019. MCC aims to set MDRT as the highest standard of excellence for any financial services practitioner to aspire towards.”

Lilian brought up that although MCC is purely voluntary based, everyone sincerely contributes, is proactive and takes initiative in their responsibilities and goes beyond the extra mile. Everyone is always giving their very best effort in spite of their busy schedules, she said.


Why should I contribute by volunteering with MDRT MCC when I get nothing back in return?

While it is voluntary and indeed MDRT MCC members are not remunerated, members get far more in return that are intangibles.

Lilian told us that fellow MCC members highly demonstrate great leadership not just by commanding and strategising, but have shown that they are also resourceful, keeping themselves up-to-date and always maintaining a positive attitude toward challenges. All positive characteristics that you get to observe personally up-close and can mutually learn from.

Also, the friendships fostered through volunteering gives one the sense of camaraderie, especially when the team understands the importance of an effective support system to work through any brainstorming sessions and challenges ahead.

She said, “I learned the virtue of charisma through my interactions with the MCC teammates - one of the attributes to be a Professional Financial Producer that embraces the Whole Person Concept in MDRT values.”


Only top producers and industry leaders volunteer with MDRT MCC?

As Laura said, “Your production gets you to MDRT, but it is the volunteering that will get MDRT into you.”

Becoming an MDRT MCC member is not only for top producers. It is for those who want to experience MDRT beyond the superficial brand level. For Laura, serving the past 8 years in MCC changed her career and life.

Adding to that, she said “Most members are engaged with MDRT on a brand level or maybe access the resources and attend the Annual Meetings or Global Conferences. However, the journey takes a whole new meaning and level of engagement when you start volunteering. It offers the chance for you to give back or make a difference to other members, and it provides an opportunity to learn new skills or build on existing experience and knowledge through the invaluable interactions shared with fellow members around the world. Through volunteering in MDRT, wonderful friendships are forged and the MDRT spirit is strengthened. To me, this journey is priceless.”


Here’s how you can get involved with MDRT MCC Singapore

There are several ways you can be involved in MCC as a volunteer. One way to be involved would be to sign up as a PGA volunteer during the MDRT Day which happens locally around July to August every year. This gives you the opportunity to assist the MCC in the area of logistics, directing foot traffic, serving as speaker liaisons and greeting first-time attendees.

Besides MDRT Day, MCC also holds a couple of smaller scale events in a year. If you are interested to contribute in any way, the committee is always happy to see how you can be involved, both for members and non-members alike.

For anyone interested in volunteering with MCC, drop them an email at


Want more?

Overcome low points with Theresa Goh, a Paralympic medallist, and a world record holder in the SB4 50 metres and 200 metres breaststroke events

Or interested in the recent MDRT Global Conference which was held in Sydney? Read it now - #MDRTGC2019:Embrace the Whole Person concept


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