Embrace the New Era

Agnes Ng
Agnes Ng, MDRT MCC Philippines Country Chair, said in her opening remarks: “As we go through this pandemic, it is evident that the Filippino insurance advisers have truly embraced the new era, continuing their commitment and mission to save and protect Filipinos’ dreams and goals, staying true to their commitment and duties throughout.”
She encouraged registrants to enjoy the online learning experience which will be made available until the end of the month “as we all courageously move forward, to continue to fulfil our callings and duties.”
A Catalyst for Positive Change

Regina Bedoya
MDRT Immediate Past President Regina Bedoya, said in her keynote: global challenges of the magnitude caused by the pandemic today gives everyone the opportunity to come out stronger and more determined to achieve the things one is passionate about.
“We are all being called to leave our personal imprint on the lives of those who we touch. We are being invited to be a catalyst for positive change in the community and the world.
“Let’s fill our hearts with good positive energy and let’s finish the year with enthusiasm and excitement about the new year,” she said.
She offered some suggestions to do just that:
1) Focus on your clients and what their needs are.
Stay in touch with them. If you can do it in person, call them or send them a message. Technology in its many forms can go a long way towards helping to maintain that connection with clients.
2) Use this time to develop new skills and continue to build your business.
Embrace a mindset of life-long learning.
3)Take extra care of yourself and your own well-being.
Spending way too much time in front of the screen has taken a toll on emotions and sense of well-being. She encouraged participants to go for a walk, run regularly, and do whatever it is that relaxes and recharges.
She also reminded participants to take one idea from each speaker that will enhance their business and quality of life.
At a time like this, one must not only be resilient but must also replenish our minds, and our hearts. “Make a difference, leave your imprint, let your life speak,” she said, sending her best wishes for a remarkable year.
From “3-month zero” agent to CDO

Stephen L. Ong
“Quitting is not in my vocabulary,” said Stephen L. Ong, SVP & Chief Distribution Officer, Manulife Philippines, who talked about being resilient in his journey from “3-month zero” agent to CDO.
An ex-basketball coach, he shared the importance of ABCD for the sport that is also applicable to financial advisers:
Adaptability and adjustment: Learn new products so well that you know how to position the products based on their strengths and benefits. Ability to adjust is crucial.
Basics: One must never forget about the basics: prospecting, appointment setting, fact-finding, handling objections and learning the different closing tactics.
Consistency: Doing consistent activities are necessary, like training to deliver consistently. One can be consistent by practising the right way.
Discipline: Discipline is key, attending meetings and training courses, to learn and improve.
Being resilient also played a big role in helping him juggle his multiple responsibilities to lead his team to be in the top zone.
He elaborated RESILIENCE as follows:
1) Resilience
2) Execution - The carrying out or putting into effect of a plan, order or course of action.
3) Significance - Far more important than being successful is being significant. Having a significant impact on others is what really matters.
4) Intentional - Done in purpose, deliberately. Leaders must deliberately lead and guide how people can adapt to the present situation.
5) Learning - Invest in and attend congress. Listen to fellow speakers and learn from them. “Life never stops teaching.”
6) Integrity - Doing the right thing, even when nobody is looking.
7) Excellence - Do things excellently, go the extra mile.
8) No to naysayers - Stay positive no matter what and be an encourager.
9) Character - Having the right attitude. Stand up every single time you fall.
10) Every day better - “No matter what our situation is, every day is a chance to be better than the day before.”
The New Virtual

Eszylfie Taylor
Eszylfie Taylor, President and Founder, Taylor Insurance & Financial Services, talked about how he has adjusted in the new normal positively. It all comes down to perspective, vision and possibilities. People are scared and are at home, that means they have plenty of time to think about planning and motivation to protect their families, he noted.
In his 20th anniversary in the insurance business, contrary to what most people think, he considered himself arguably the biggest failure one has ever met in life.
He said: “Everywhere you can lose a deal, I have done it.” But he learnt from it and got better. “I don’t believe in winning and losing. I believe in winning and learning.”
In life, you are growing or dying, you are getting better or getting worse, there is no staying the same, he challenged everyone to look to the uncomfortable. “Look to continue to grow and change and to get better. We don’t want to rest on our laurels.”
One of the things he realised in the new normal is that technology has made him far more efficient with his time. As he could make the same amount of money with only a third of his time.
In 10 years from now, if your life and business are in the exact same spot, would you be happy? If the answer is no, do something different, he said. Start changing your thoughts and working differently.
He asked the audience to start and decide “is it one day or is today day one?”
Staying INSPIRED as an MDRT and an Agency Leader

Jo-An Darlene Chua Yu
Jo-An Darlene Chua Yu, Founding Partner, Spark Amber Life Insurance Agency Inc, 8-time MDRT, who has qualified for 2021 MDRT membership, has been building her team since 2012 that has grown to over 350 trusted advocates today.
COVID-19 did not change everything. There are still ways to creating a deep connection with people, she said.
In fact, it has given us a deeper sense of purpose in why we do what we do. It has also reminded us that our purpose here is not only to survive but also to thrive.
Sharing the principles she lived by as well as the things she had done for the past six months to continue staying inspired and to continue providing value, she listed the following growth mindset:
Leadership Mindsets:
- Belief in a better future. We must have a compelling vision for what is possible.
- Belief in ourselves. We must believe that we are a person of value and that we have a value to offer others.
- Belief in our team. We must believe in the worth and potential of the people we are leading.
She also summarised her four practices:
Tool #1: Make Personal Growth Your #1 Priority
Tool #2: Be crystal clear with your vision
Tool #3: Understand your purpose
Tool #4: Write down your strategies
“Do not just leave your legacy, live your legacy, leverage your legacy,” she added.
Ride the Storm, Paint Your MDRT Rainbow

Jensen Siaw
Asking the audience to feel grateful to attract better things to come into their lives, Jensen Siaw, Chief Motivator & CEO, Jensen Siaw International, took the audience through a MDRT picture visualisation exercise, with their desired outcome in mind to be projected on a screen and to walk towards it in a bid for them to crystalise and emotionally connect with their vision.
As a life insurance practitioner, it is not about closing cases, he said. It is to uplift the entire community, their purposes, optimism and lives.
It doesn’t matter whether you are an average practitioner or top producer, what matters is what you decide at this moment how this year will turn out for you.
It doesn’t matter whether there is a pandemic, the only thing you can control is what you decide in your mind, what you do in your body and the results you will get, he emphasized.
Sharing of Best Practices

Brian Heckert, MDRT Past President, 32-year MDRT Member with 11 TOT and 7 COT honours, and his study group talked about the benefits of joining and creating a study group.
The biggest one is accountability. It is easy not to be accountable for the goals one has set to do when working alone. But by being in a group, it helps immensely as what’s shared has to be accomplished and members of the group will be made accountable to get to the level of success that was set to be achieved.
Another one is increased engagement. Not just learning and increasing engagement among the team members, but also with outside industry experts. This is an amazing benefit, especially in the current COVID-19 scenario, where members can share best practices and how to give better client experience.
The other benefits include getting support from a group that is easy to reach out and where everyone can get better together. And friendship is a significant by-product.
Stay with Asia Advisers Network as we bring you daily coverage and highlights.
Watch day 1, Watch Day 3.
More on MDRT 2020:
#Resilience2020 Day 1: Together We Can Make It Through
Resilience to Brave the Future Together - LUAP President
#MDRTDAYSG2020 Day 1: Stronger Together
#MDRTDAYSG2020 Day 2: Better and Further Together
MDRT Virtual Event 2020 Highlights
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