Hong Kong: FWD launches endowment plan with guaranteed returns

| 20 Jun 2024

FWD Hong Kong has launched the Easy WealthPlus Endowment Plan, which guarantees an 8-year maturity return of up to 4.0% per annum, along with life protection.

Planning for retirement is crucial, especially as living expenses for Hong Kong retirees reached HK$14,700 per month last year. With rising costs and financial uncertainties due to global interest rate fluctuations and inflation, it is essential to reassess financial protections. 

Mr Paul Tse, Chief Marketing and Digital Officer of FWD Hong Kong and Macau, said, "FWD understands the challenges customers face in achieving their financial goals amidst fluctuating interest rates and inflationary pressure.

“We are also seeing firsthand how a growing number of customers appreciate the convenience of online platforms. The organic traffic to the online insurance platform saw over 300% year-on-year growth. As Hong Kong's largest online insurance platform, our latest Easy WealthPlus Endowment Plan allows customers to easily secure an 8-year guaranteed return by enrolling online, effectively hedging against market fluctuations and achieving stable returns.

“Its guaranteed maturity return is also much higher than the average inflation rate of 2% over the past 12 months, leading to better long-term financial security and peace of mind.

“This Plan empowers individuals to take control of their financial futures, whether their goals involve achieving lifelong ambitions or securing a comfortable retirement."

The Plan does more than provide opportunities for wealth accumulation. It also offers various protections and conveniences including:

  • Life protection for peace of mind;
  • Unlimited times for change of insured and nomination of contingent insured and contingent policy owner for continuous policy extension; and
  • Easy online application without medical examination.