Hundreds of Asia's leading insurance executives and upcoming talent will converge on Manila on 6-9 May 2018 for the 29th East Asian Insurance Congress (EAIC). The bi-annual gathering has moved to an earlier slot this year to avoid scheduling conflicts in the market and to draw the maximum number of delegates. Mr Augusto Hidalgo, Chief Delegate of the Philippines, gives a sneak peek into one of the most exciting gatherings that is set to take place on the Asian insurance circuit this year.
Asia is growing. Asia is booming. And the real numbers shared by Chief Delegates at the East Asian Insurance Congress spoke volumes of the potential lying latent in the insurance industry. We dice and splice the reports submitted by the EAIC in Macau to give you a gut-feel of the sizzling potential in each of the 12 EAIC markets, big and small, young and old.
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