The General Insurance Association of Singapore (GIA Singapore) and Life Insurance Association, Singapore (LIA Singapore) today clarified member companies' coverage for medical expenses relating to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV).
Integrated Shield Plans (IPs) and IP riders will provide coverage for hospitalisation expenses related to 2019-nCoV. Many non-IP individual and Group health insurance policies will also provide coverage for medical expenses related to 2019-nCoV.
Policyholders who wish to find out more about their insurance benefits, and terms and conditions in their policies can approach their financial adviser and/or insurer. Employers with Group policies are also advised to review their group policy documents and engage their insurers about the coverage.
Infosheet (11 Feb 2020) by LIA Singapore

(Source: LIA Singapore)
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Find out what insurers and the insurance industry in the region are doing in response to the coronavirus in this list Novel Coronavirus: Insurance coverage and measures by insurance industry
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