MDRT President Regina Bedoya kicked off the 2020 Annual Meeting and Global Conference with her welcome address. She gave a behind-the-scenes understanding of the challenging process in the change in plans from hosting two mega in-person events of the originally planned Annual Meeting in Anaheim and Global Conference in Dubai, to a single virtual event.

Regina Bedoya
The decision had to be made to protect the safety and well-being of members, staff, speakers, guests and services providers. She commended members of the different organising committees who responded with resilience and determination in committing to delivering a unique and valuable experience to members.
“You all rose to the challenges presented to you and I am excited to see the results of your efforts this week and beyond,” she said.
“Thank you to the hundreds of speakers who shifted from delivering their presentations in-person to doing so virtually for our global community. I would also like to thank the MDRT Executive Committee for its leadership and selfless commitment to our association,” she added.
“It is our sincere hope that this experience will be and transformative,” she concluded, as she proceeded to officially declare the 2020 Annual Meeting and Global Conference open.
Adapt and Thrive
Ryan Estis, a business-performance expert who helps companies and individuals embrace change, accelerate growth and achieve breakthrough performance in the new economy, spoke on how to adapt and thrive.

Ryan Estis
He said that satisfied clients are no longer enough. Not even loyal customers. To adapt and thrive, it is essential to convert your loyal clients to evangelists!
Amongst the ideas he shared to rise to the challenge was for advisers to continually invest in ever-deeper, value-added services while simultaneously investing in technology and solutions that will create scale.
“By automating commoditised services, they can spend more time as trusted guides for families they serve. There’s an increase in digitization, automation and tech, but also in opportunities for relationship-building,” he said.
He also emphasised the importance of TAN – Take Action Now, and highlighted the importance of putting together a Personal Board of Directors.
Creating Immortality through Impact
Adam Klein, who was a winner in the Emmy Award-winning show Survivor. Tapping on his life experiences to inform vibrant messages of resiliency, pursuing one's passions, living fully and challenging conventional notions of success, he spoke about creating immortality through impact.

Adam Klein
“Victory is fleeting. What lasts forever? Our impact,” he said.
The ultimate dream is impact. When you “go”, you don’t really “go” when you have made an impact on somebody else.
Achievements are in our past, what we do with those achievements, that is how we live big, and bold, and beautiful fulfilling lives. “That is how we live forever,” he said.
On overcoming obstacles and challenges, he said: “We put limits on ourselves all the time. Aim higher. The higher we aim, the higher we jump.”
Hacking the Rock-Star Attitude
Mark Schulman, who has been the drummer for some legendary musical artists and has performed for more than a billion people in his 28-year career, shared the formula for Rock-star solutions, service, communication and attitude.

Mark Schulman
Attitude x Behaviour = Consequence
Reverse engineer the consequence you desire. What would be the consistent behaviours to manifest that consequence, then back it up with attitude, he shared.
And when you incorporate rock ’n’ roll philosophy, techniques and swagger into your business to drive performance and energise your work environment, it doesn’t just improve you personally, it has the power to influence others.
An Angel’s Tale
Angel Tseng, born with a severe cleft lip and jaw, which caused her to be completely blind in her left eye, shared her remarkable and inspiring story of overcoming hardship through music.

Angel Tsen
Since birth, she has undergone more than 28 reconstructive surgeries. She was ridiculed and isolated by her classmates, but she was not defeated by fate.
Angel always dreamed that she would use her singing voice to warm her heart one day. Today, she performs as a member of a popular Taiwan music group and has participated in more than 100 large-scale concerts since 2016, including at the Taipei National Concert Hall in February 2020.
“For most people, their biggest obstacle in life is their own self-doubt… We all have the qualities we need to be beautiful. We are all different people and I’m seeking out the right audience for me, not just the biggest one,” she said.
She shared that when facing obstacles, belief and faith can be the greatest source of strength.
And if you are feeling inadequate in rising to the challenge in front of you, this quote from her would help you: “Give yourself enough room to try and sooner or later, you will run out of ways to fail and only be able to succeed.”
How Top Leaders and Organizations Drive Business Results through Trust
David Horsager, CEO of Trust Edge Leadership Institute, said: “A lack of trust is the biggest expense in your business.”

David Horsager
He shared his eight-pillar framework on how top leaders and organizations can drive business results through trust.
Pillars of Trust
1. Clarity
2. Compassion
3. Character
4. Competency
5. Commitment
6. Connection
7. Contribution
8. Consistency
“Everything of value is built on trust,” he said.
Success in a Demanding Industry Starts With a Healthy Mind
Deshauna Barber is an American beauty pageant titleholder, motivational speaker and captain in the United States Army Reserve. In June 2016, she was the first person to be crowned Miss USA while serving in the United States military. She represented the United States at Miss Universe 2016, where she placed among the top nine finalists.

Deshauna Barber
She shared that when she first started taking part in pageants after she was talent-spotted, she failed in her first six years.
“Giving up is the birth of regret,” she said. And in times of disappointment, think of all the lives that you could impact with the work that you do.
This MDRT coverage is brought to you by Manulife.

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