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Global tag returned 316 results

  • Singapore: Prudential joins forces with Google Cloud on AI innovation

    Prudential has expanded its alliance with Google Cloud to develop artificial intelligence (AI)-powered products and solutions.

    Date : 21 Aug 2024
  • Financial advisers need to be on social media to reach millennials and Gen Z

    Financial advisers should leverage social media to connect with millennials and Gen Z, as new research indicates they are twice as likely to get financial advice online than from a professional, says financial counselor Myles Ma.

    Date : 14 May 2024
  • 6 lucrative financial adviser niches (and how to find yours)

    Standing out in the marketplace can be difficult. But you can differentiate your advisory practice from other competitors by carving out a niche that serves specific client needs or objectives. Smart Asset gives a breakdown of common niches that advisers specialise in.

    Date : 19 Sep 2023
  • 8 ways financial planning is evolving for advisers and clients

    At a recent ThinkAdviser webcast, a panel of adviser industry experts said the rapid pace of innovation unfolding across the financial service industry is pushing advisers to elevate their game and demanding ever-greater investment of time and resources. Here are eight trends highlighted at the webcast.

    Date : 10 Sep 2023
  • FWD Group ranked number six in 2023 MDRT rankings

    FWD Group Holdings Limited (FWD Group) ranked number six in the 2023 Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) Top 10 Multinational Companies rankings, retaining its position from last year.

    Date : 19 Jul 2023
  • Why it makes sense to buy life insurance for children

    If your clients are parents, they may be able to take out a policy on their child/children. If they pass away, this will help your clients take time off to grieve without sacrificing their financial well-being.

    Date : 25 Apr 2023
  • Who needs life insurance?

    The answer to the question "Do I need life insurance?" will be different for everyone. Whether a person needs life insurance depends on his/her financial goals. If any of the following scenarios fit your clients' situation, they would probably need it.

    Date : 05 Apr 2023
  • What seniors should know about term life insurance

    Life insurance provides vital financial protection for adults of all ages. Whether they're younger and just getting started in their careers, older with financial dependents and small children or a senior who recently retired, life insurance is generally worth it.

    Date : 02 Apr 2023
  • Health insurance: Incentivising policyholders to stay in the pink of health

    Health insurance firms are increasingly realising that 'Health is Wealth'. When we are healthy, our chances of growing in wealth increase manifold.

    Date : 21 Mar 2023
  • Why AI-driven ChatGPT can never be as efficient as human financial advisers

    AI chatbot, ChatGPT, is creating sensations and breaking barriers in different industries, and even giving financial advice to people. But can it really replace human financial advisors?

    Date : 19 Mar 2023
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