If you want to have leads on demand, you got to stop hunting for leads, it is too slow and ineffective. Instead you want to attract leads to you as you are perceived to be in demand, it is much easier and faster to close, and you are a lot more appreciated.
This is according to Eric Feng who shared in “The Future of Selling Manifesto” five attraction strategies that appeal to a new generation of consumers in the marketplace, which he kindly agreed to have us share with our readers here:
1. Social Prospecting
Generate highly qualified leads by turning strangers you meet at events into prospects who are keen to talk to you about your offering. These events that you go to can be social, business or voluntary in nature.
For this attraction strategy to work, you must be able to:
- Capture attention quickly with your first statement or question
- Connect with the stranger and get him or her to open up to you
- Collect vital info about the stranger that aids you in the follow-up
- Create curiosity and strong interest for what you do which leads to a second meeting (most likely a sales appointment)
2. Digital Marketing
Generate highly qualified leads by building an online campaign via social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn or YouTube. This is a powerful strategy as they provide cheap sources of traffic and your prospects are likely to spend a lot of their time on these platforms.
You must be able to:
- Create a compelling offer that acts as a digital bait
- Target the prospects you want accurately
- Convert each lead into a sales appointment via an email funnel
3. Strategic Partnerships
Generate highly qualified leads through the recommendations from a selected group of people call “strategic partners”. They are gatekeepers to their own network and their influence gives you access to the contacts in the network.
Eric lists the seven types of people who have potential to form strategic partnerships with.
(i) Social butterflies
(ii) Association heads
(iii) Entrepreneurs
(iv) People of authority
(v) Media personalities
(vi) Allies who target similar markets with you
(vii) Event organisers
For this attraction strategy to work, you must be able to build long term “win-win” relationships with partners and contribute value (defined by them) to him or her on a consistent basis.
4. Offline & Online Media
Generate highly qualified leads by appearing on traditional media like television, radio or papers. This can also work via online channels such as guest blogging, podcasts and video interviews with online media personalities. By borrowing on their popularity and endorsement, you get access to their readership and viewership.
For this strategy to work, you must be able to:
- Write a concise and compelling press release that catches the attention of the media producer
- Establish authority on a particular subject (eg. Retirement planning) or with an audience (eg. Divorced women)
- Newsjack effectively by linking your product or service with a braking news story (eg. Linking Pokemon Go to your product)
- Create an attractive offer that entices your prospects to give you their contact details
5. Seminar Selling
Generate highly qualified leads by conducting educational talks either offline (seminar) or online (webinar) that positions you as a trusted authority and adds massive value to your prospects.
You must be able to:
- Position yourself as a trusted authority or expert on the subject
- Clearly articulate the pain points and wishes of your prospects
- Design a 60-90 minutes high-impact seminar that educates and entertains (without overwhelming the prospects)
- Deliver a compelling offer at the end of your seminar that leads to either a sales appointment or a sale
- Create urgency and scarcity to motivate action
Stop hunting and start attracting leads!
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